
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Salam Ramadhan utk smua. Sekarang ble dh bulan puasa, prangai masing2 pn dh jd lain.. Smuanya makin behave n jd sgt sopan n santun...xde lg Perang Mulut Dunia ke-3, yg tentunya dicetus oleh mulut Yeong yg xleh bhenti ckp tuh...*aaihhh*...Smuanya jd sgt pnyabar n teratur tatatertibnya..(kcuali yg sorg tuh..). Kalau nk duduk, pkai tibai je dia g landing. Xpasal2 kne sound "ngam" pny oleh "mak" kitorg....(klas kitorg skrg dh de mak yg control manners tw..wohohohoho..). We love u "mak"!! hohoohoho... Okay, enough about tht student.
Another thing tht I think bcomes differently during ths Ramadhan month is the Library.. 'Unsurprisingly', th library bcomes th coolest place to spend at (of course literally too!!). Bfore this, aku rs during lunch break, mmg kosong sesgt le PTAR ni..(mmg la kosong,smua org g makan!mcm la aku duk kt cni gk time tu!pe lg, aku pn g mlantak gk!wuhuhu..). Skrg ni, smpai ke tgkat ats nye full house.. This noon, ms replacement class for Language Arts II cancel(I wish Mandarin Class pn cancel gk. Leh gak aku g tdo! ), aku n Kak Lin g PTAR since no more place yg ktorg leh duk lepak jap smntara tggu class kul 4. Full house tul!!dpt yg available pn kt tgkat ats..tu pn sket je.. Mmmmm.....mmg bulan puasa bw perubahan. Aku je yg x..mulut asyk bising je (aku senyap klu aku xsihat, ble xde mood n rs mcm nk mngamuk!)wohohoho..
Tp de satu je yg xbrubah..mulut aku masih lg active me'laser' "student" tuh! Wohohohohohoho...
Call me mean, call me cruel..
I don't mind, I won't bother!
That's all for now!Bye! Slamat brpuasa utk smua!!
Another thing tht I think bcomes differently during ths Ramadhan month is the Library.. 'Unsurprisingly', th library bcomes th coolest place to spend at (of course literally too!!). Bfore this, aku rs during lunch break, mmg kosong sesgt le PTAR ni..(mmg la kosong,smua org g makan!mcm la aku duk kt cni gk time tu!pe lg, aku pn g mlantak gk!wuhuhu..). Skrg ni, smpai ke tgkat ats nye full house.. This noon, ms replacement class for Language Arts II cancel(I wish Mandarin Class pn cancel gk. Leh gak aku g tdo! ), aku n Kak Lin g PTAR since no more place yg ktorg leh duk lepak jap smntara tggu class kul 4. Full house tul!!dpt yg available pn kt tgkat ats..tu pn sket je.. Mmmmm.....mmg bulan puasa bw perubahan. Aku je yg x..mulut asyk bising je (aku senyap klu aku xsihat, ble xde mood n rs mcm nk mngamuk!)wohohoho..
Tp de satu je yg xbrubah..mulut aku masih lg active me'laser' "student" tuh! Wohohohohohoho...
Call me mean, call me cruel..
I don't mind, I won't bother!
That's all for now!Bye! Slamat brpuasa utk smua!!
Yesterday was the first day of fasting for 2010...n the first one for me since I start my study in Shah Alam...Boring and dull. The ambience, the food, and much more...arghhh...i miss my mum's cook..aarrghhh...
Aku xsuka bulan puasa kali ni...prasaan yg sgt2 lain... for this time i try to avoid to break my fast outside..i hate the scenery...really hate..i rather stare at my full-with-lauk-and-rice plate, than looking around to other full-with-food-and-plate-for-two-people tables...hate that so much..(huhuhu...emo trlebey).ok, enough with full-with-emo stuff..huhu..
Esok klas sgt pnuh...Dari pg, smpai kul'll be very hectic and tiring..after that, i'll go to Tesco with my housemate utk beli brg umah...aku lak nk g beli barang2 utk wt Biskut Batik...nk jual..hohoho..(sila2 la beli ek..rm2 per peket n 6pcs per peket)-promotion!
Okay, enough for this time being...Hopefully i'l not be so lazy n use fasting as my reasons..
Aku xsuka bulan puasa kali ni...prasaan yg sgt2 lain... for this time i try to avoid to break my fast outside..i hate the scenery...really hate..i rather stare at my full-with-lauk-and-rice plate, than looking around to other full-with-food-and-plate-for-two-people tables...hate that so much..(huhuhu...emo trlebey).ok, enough with full-with-emo stuff..huhu..
Esok klas sgt pnuh...Dari pg, smpai kul'll be very hectic and tiring..after that, i'll go to Tesco with my housemate utk beli brg umah...aku lak nk g beli barang2 utk wt Biskut Batik...nk jual..hohoho..(sila2 la beli ek..rm2 per peket n 6pcs per peket)-promotion!
Okay, enough for this time being...Hopefully i'l not be so lazy n use fasting as my reasons..
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hari ni mrupakan hari 1st aku starts klas..(sbnrnya smlm start, tp aku malas nk g..Monday Blues..).
Pd mmber2 yg x 1 klas dgn aku, msti diorg xtaw apsl aku amik title kt ats...- "TheTimeMyBodyStartsFreezing". Ble dtg klas kt Lab kt fac, msti aku rs mcm dh kt Cameron or Genting je...sjuk xingat!! Silap2 Cameron n Genting pn kalah...Dsbabkn sjuk yg trlampau, de antra bdak2 klas yg trpksa bw stokin tbal smata2 hujung kaki dh xtahan dgn tahap ksejukan air-conditioner dlm Lab ni. Tahap pnumpuan dlm klas pn decrease dsebabkn sjuk sgt kn...(eleh...alasan je..huhuhu). Sbenarnya tahap pnumpuan dh turun bkn psl sjuk je..byk lg other reasons tht contribute to th situation...Antaranya, sbuk men internet dok baca gossips or movie reviews cz nk cari movie trbaru yg best nk g tgk(ktorg satu klas smua gila movies..), g cek email cz smata2 nk bc comment2 dlm Facebook (dlu leh lg bkak Facebook lite, skrg dh xleh..huhuhu..(w__w))..hahaha. g update blog (mcm yg aku wt skrg), n bg mana2 PC yg bnasib bek, leh g men YM lg..huhuhu...
Aku sbnarnya tgh xde idea, tp dsebabkn aku dh lama sgt xwt post bru, so aku wt la jgak..huhu..ngarut tul.hahaha... Ok, dh le...Bye!!
Hari ni mrupakan hari 1st aku starts klas..(sbnrnya smlm start, tp aku malas nk g..Monday Blues..).
Pd mmber2 yg x 1 klas dgn aku, msti diorg xtaw apsl aku amik title kt ats...- "TheTimeMyBodyStartsFreezing". Ble dtg klas kt Lab kt fac, msti aku rs mcm dh kt Cameron or Genting je...sjuk xingat!! Silap2 Cameron n Genting pn kalah...Dsbabkn sjuk yg trlampau, de antra bdak2 klas yg trpksa bw stokin tbal smata2 hujung kaki dh xtahan dgn tahap ksejukan air-conditioner dlm Lab ni. Tahap pnumpuan dlm klas pn decrease dsebabkn sjuk sgt kn...(eleh...alasan je..huhuhu). Sbenarnya tahap pnumpuan dh turun bkn psl sjuk je..byk lg other reasons tht contribute to th situation...Antaranya, sbuk men internet dok baca gossips or movie reviews cz nk cari movie trbaru yg best nk g tgk(ktorg satu klas smua gila movies..), g cek email cz smata2 nk bc comment2 dlm Facebook (dlu leh lg bkak Facebook lite, skrg dh xleh..huhuhu..(w__w))..hahaha. g update blog (mcm yg aku wt skrg), n bg mana2 PC yg bnasib bek, leh g men YM lg..huhuhu...
Aku sbnarnya tgh xde idea, tp dsebabkn aku dh lama sgt xwt post bru, so aku wt la jgak..huhu..ngarut tul.hahaha... Ok, dh le...Bye!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
It has been almost a week after I graduated from my diploma..(Culinary Arts).. I still can't believe that I already made it..I already finished my diploma! During the ceremony, there were some parts that I can't hold my tears at all. Semua rasa ada. Dah le pihak UiTM asyik pasang clips2 yg syahdu..Huhuhu...nasib baik leh cover..Hehehehe...cengeng..
Before the graduation day, aku sempat gak la hang out dgn mmber2 yg dh lama xjumpa since finished our dip.. Ada gak yg dh slalu jumpa cz diorg smbung degree lg kt Shah Alam.
Tp, lps this convo ni, ntah bila bleh jmpa smua bdak2 ni ek?? Harap2 dlm masa 5 tahun akn dtg ni de la mmber2 yg nk kawen. So that we cn hv another reunion in a diff atmosphere..Wedding atmosphere...mmm... Kinda like it...Hehhehehe... Yg confirm bukan aku yg wt majlis first..Huhuhuhuhu..
Orang lain dh lama upload gmbar convo, tp aku bru nk start...itupn bru smpat upload gmbar2 bfore convo. during n after convo aku xsmpat lg cz th line was so bad. Naik tension nk tggu upload jz for 5 pics in a particular time bt took time more than 10-15 minutes.. Tp nk wt mcm mn lg..Online tgh mlm mmg la cmtu..sesak memanjang..
Ok, that's all for now..Late already.Bye!
Before the graduation day, aku sempat gak la hang out dgn mmber2 yg dh lama xjumpa since finished our dip.. Ada gak yg dh slalu jumpa cz diorg smbung degree lg kt Shah Alam.
Tp, lps this convo ni, ntah bila bleh jmpa smua bdak2 ni ek?? Harap2 dlm masa 5 tahun akn dtg ni de la mmber2 yg nk kawen. So that we cn hv another reunion in a diff atmosphere..Wedding atmosphere...mmm... Kinda like it...Hehhehehe... Yg confirm bukan aku yg wt majlis first..Huhuhuhuhu..
Orang lain dh lama upload gmbar convo, tp aku bru nk start...itupn bru smpat upload gmbar2 bfore convo. during n after convo aku xsmpat lg cz th line was so bad. Naik tension nk tggu upload jz for 5 pics in a particular time bt took time more than 10-15 minutes.. Tp nk wt mcm mn lg..Online tgh mlm mmg la cmtu..sesak memanjang..
Ok, that's all for now..Late already.Bye!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
When You Are Not Totally Alive Yet
Mmmm...ble kte brada dlm keadaan yg kte sndiri xleh nk kawal diri kte sndiri scara total,it'll be disaster...
These r th examples..This morning my aunt wake me up n ask me to help her fried some nuggets n sausages for her sons' breakfast..It ws not th prob to gt up at around 6.30 a.m if u gt enough sleep th nite bfore, rite? Bt then, i slept at 3.30 a.m ++ last nite(err...ths ws nt a nite anymore), by th time i wnt to fried th nuggets, i wasn't totally wake up yet..U gt dizzy, walking in a zig zag n for sure,cn't think properly..I even cn't find th thing tht was in front of my eyes...urghh...I kept on looking for th termos for almost 5 min although it was right before my eyes..
Then, another one happened last nite..At tht time, I hd a mere headache n I hd to serve rice for my younger cousin (my aunt's sons-I'm their bbysitter for ths time being). So, aku bru je nk amik snduk nasi from bekas ltak utensils tu, then th knife fell down to the floor...The stupid thing was, I WAS TRYING TO CATCH TH KNIFE!..urghhh...I ws a culinary student, so I should know tht I can't catch the damn knife..Never! So, as the consequences, I gt a minor cut on my right hand finger..Thank God...At tht time, I already imagined tht I'd be in a pool of my own blood..Again, thank God I wasn't..
Ok, now I already gt dizzy cz I dn't hv enough sleep...So, I'll stop here, having a nap (err...should I cnsider it as nap@sleep?mmm..) n after tht, finish my daily chores..Daaa!!
Mmmm...ble kte brada dlm keadaan yg kte sndiri xleh nk kawal diri kte sndiri scara total,it'll be disaster...
These r th examples..This morning my aunt wake me up n ask me to help her fried some nuggets n sausages for her sons' breakfast..It ws not th prob to gt up at around 6.30 a.m if u gt enough sleep th nite bfore, rite? Bt then, i slept at 3.30 a.m ++ last nite(err...ths ws nt a nite anymore), by th time i wnt to fried th nuggets, i wasn't totally wake up yet..U gt dizzy, walking in a zig zag n for sure,cn't think properly..I even cn't find th thing tht was in front of my eyes...urghh...I kept on looking for th termos for almost 5 min although it was right before my eyes..
Then, another one happened last nite..At tht time, I hd a mere headache n I hd to serve rice for my younger cousin (my aunt's sons-I'm their bbysitter for ths time being). So, aku bru je nk amik snduk nasi from bekas ltak utensils tu, then th knife fell down to the floor...The stupid thing was, I WAS TRYING TO CATCH TH KNIFE!..urghhh...I ws a culinary student, so I should know tht I can't catch the damn knife..Never! So, as the consequences, I gt a minor cut on my right hand finger..Thank God...At tht time, I already imagined tht I'd be in a pool of my own blood..Again, thank God I wasn't..
Ok, now I already gt dizzy cz I dn't hv enough sleep...So, I'll stop here, having a nap (err...should I cnsider it as nap@sleep?mmm..) n after tht, finish my daily chores..Daaa!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
salam.. ni sgt2 tdak mnyelesakan cz aku kne tahan gatal hidung ni n asyk selsema je...hopefully i'll be fine ble nk konvo nnt..
Bila tgk kwn2 yg dh sbuk sgt2 cari baju for cnvo sblm cuti smester bru ni, aku pn mcm dh cuak cz aku xde cari pe2 pn lg...Klu ikut prancangan awal, nk je aku reuse n recycle smula baju dinner 1st sem aku...Sentimental value kononnye...knon2 nk start n end the diploma with th same dress..(tp sbnarnye aku guna tu sbg alasan je...sbab sbnr, aku x set aside duit for convo's dress)tp.... cm xbest je...
Then, my mksu come with another idea..Aku jz kne cri blouse or kbaya bru je utk padankn dgn my kain batik tu...Ok gak..Xde la aku buang duit byk sgt kn?
Anyway, aku harap sgt smua kwn aku yg grade kali no dpt hadir smuanya...Dh lama sgt xjumpa.. Diorg g clearance kt Dungun pn aku xjoin..(again, ia dsebabkn hal duit..huhuhu)..
Smpai cni je kot... Xsabar nk convo!! ni sgt2 tdak mnyelesakan cz aku kne tahan gatal hidung ni n asyk selsema je...hopefully i'll be fine ble nk konvo nnt..
Bila tgk kwn2 yg dh sbuk sgt2 cari baju for cnvo sblm cuti smester bru ni, aku pn mcm dh cuak cz aku xde cari pe2 pn lg...Klu ikut prancangan awal, nk je aku reuse n recycle smula baju dinner 1st sem aku...Sentimental value kononnye...knon2 nk start n end the diploma with th same dress..(tp sbnarnye aku guna tu sbg alasan je...sbab sbnr, aku x set aside duit for convo's dress)tp.... cm xbest je...
Then, my mksu come with another idea..Aku jz kne cri blouse or kbaya bru je utk padankn dgn my kain batik tu...Ok gak..Xde la aku buang duit byk sgt kn?
Anyway, aku harap sgt smua kwn aku yg grade kali no dpt hadir smuanya...Dh lama sgt xjumpa.. Diorg g clearance kt Dungun pn aku xjoin..(again, ia dsebabkn hal duit..huhuhu)..
Smpai cni je kot... Xsabar nk convo!!
An empty heart, an empty soul..
Without a feel, with lots of holes..
It's bleed & stiff, it's hard & cold..
The heart is mine, The one I hold..
Without a feel, with lots of holes..
It's bleed & stiff, it's hard & cold..
The heart is mine, The one I hold..
Sunday, April 11, 2010
There's nothing tht i wnt to say for the very first post of ths blog...
Kpala sakit tul gara2 suka sgt stay up smpai awl2 pg..Klu stay up study ok gk..Tp ni hadap net je...
Aii...pnat weh dgn assgnment yg xhenti2..nsib baik aku dh lpas wt presentation, klu x, lg byk menda kne fkir...
For ths very first time, i wont expect tht i'll rite time would be ok...enough for this time...daa...
Kpala sakit tul gara2 suka sgt stay up smpai awl2 pg..Klu stay up study ok gk..Tp ni hadap net je...
Aii...pnat weh dgn assgnment yg xhenti2..nsib baik aku dh lpas wt presentation, klu x, lg byk menda kne fkir...
For ths very first time, i wont expect tht i'll rite time would be ok...enough for this time...daa...
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