Last weekend i attended my housemate's engagement ceremony in Kampar. Although it was a tiring trip, it was paid off by the best hospitality served by her family. They were very good. We even felt that we were part of their family on that day. Thanks Syuhadah n family!!
However, I was very disappointed with myself since I didn't realise that the battery of my digital was totally out. Damn!! The night before I thought that the battery was still full as I hadn't use my digi cam for a quite sometimes. As a result, I had to take photo using my handphone's camera (which is only 2mp)... Aaaargghh... hate the quality. But then I was still grateful as I still could take some photo..(rather than nothing, rite?). Huhuhuhu...

These photos were some of the photos I took on that day. She was so beautiful on that day..Really. But somehow I felt a little bit sad since she has the same age with me and she already engaged. Me?? (Aaargghhh...really hate this fact.huhuhu). I even don't have a boyfriend. Huhuhu.."It's okay Armi..You still study and you still have a plenty of time to find one (am I have that time??) Hahahaha..Okay... Just chill..(try to comfort myself. (#___#)V. Another photo - my housemate whom I came with. Thanks to Dania Ibrahim n Izzati (Syuhadah's friends. I'm actually not very sure about her real name.Huhuhu) for letting us to go with them. I came with my housemate- Sharatul Aishah n Nurul Hidayah only since there was no space for another carpooler in tht car.Hehehehe..

The theme color of the 'hantaran' from Syuhadah's family was purple while her fiance was green. seems like I have to find another color for mine. The whole family members wore purple attire on that day.
Even the canopy also purple. Aaahh..really love that color..Hehehehe..
Okay, enough with color matter. Mmmm...what's next? Haa!! Another thing! Really love the food!Hahahaha..
Especially the 'dalca' and lamb kurma..hehehe...(It was expected since I'm a real meat-eater!).

Mmmm...I think that's enough for now. Sorry for the arrangement of the photos. I hope that I can learn how to upload photo and put them nicely. Practice!! Assa!!
Okay la..enough.(I'm listening to Blackstreet's song - In A Rush. Really2 love this song!! - Err..what is the relevant?? ^__^V!!) See you next time!Wassalam..Annyonghi jumushipsiyo!!
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